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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Information Security Assignment Case Study


Your company is re-evaluating its operations. It uses a very large number of applications running on different computers. You are given the task of providing information security about vulnerabilities in applications so that IT management can consider which applications should be disabled, disconnected from the network or restricted to special workstations in order to reduce the possibility of attacks.
Your manager thinks the company relies on outdated protection and wants an update on recent malware, and also asks you to recommend a new antivirus program for the Windows desktop machines. You need to support your proposal with facts and arguments.


Task 1.1 

Using your skills learnt in lab 2, select a recent (not older than two months) vulnerability from the National Vulnerability Database and analyse it from the following aspects:

i. Criticality level (Check Secunia, Screenshot Accepted)

ii. Impact including CVSS Score. (Screenshot Accepted)

iii. Explain the purpose of using CVSS scores. (Two valid bullet points expected.)

iv. Proposed Solution (Screenshot Accepted)

v. Which of the Australian DSD '35 Strategies can be applied to mitigate the vulnerability. Include valid explanations for your answer. (At least two if possible, one will suffice only in rare cases.)

Ensure that you also provide a detailed description of the vulnerability.

Task 1.2 

Search a number of antivirus companies’ (e.g. Symantec, McAfee, Kaspersky, F-Secure, AVG, Bit Defender, Webroot, ESET, G-Data, Avira) websites. Find at least four sites that publish malware listings, and compare the latest malware lists.

i. List the four sites.

ii. Discuss how descriptive and informative are the sites.

iii. Discuss the time difference between the listings.

Hint: Take a subset of malware listings and compare the time difference. This information should be presented in a tabular grid and a small paragraph at the end that summarises your findings. (Here you select specific malware issues and check the different sites to see when they are listed.)

iv. Which site is the most up-to-date and why?

Hint: Over a two week period compare the malware listings that are reported. Statistically analyse the data set, possibly by giving the malware a weight based on the criticality and the date/time of the listing. This information should be presented in a tabular grid and a small paragraph at the end that summarises which site is the most up-to-date. Data in your grid should serve as proof of your 4 / 7
statement. (This date is different from the previous question as here you select a specific time period instead of looking exclusively for specific malware.)

Task 1.3 

Select a recent vulnerability from an antivirus company’s database system , and analyse it from the same aspects as in task 1.1. (Note: No need to explain the purpose of using CVSS scores again.)
Select three recent, different threats from an antivirus company’s database. Describe for each

i. How it spreads (attack strategy)

ii. The target of malicious activity (information, resource etc)

iii. The way of hiding inside the victim’s computer.

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Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Database Design Concepts Case Study Assignment

After completing the module you should be able to:
  •  Understand databases and data management systems
  •  Understand database design techniques
  •  Design, create and document databases

Assignment Task


You have been asked to design a database for a food franchise called FreshBurgersNow which currently has 10 outlets scattered across Scotland. The database proposed is one to cover a specific part of their ordering and employee systems.

So it must importantly contain a list of the orders taken, this is based on the customers placing an order, however only registered customers are able to make an order either one telephone or app connection. The order is then passed to the kitchen area (i.e. cooks) who will make the various items and package them ready for delivery. Finally the drivers will deliver these orders to the customer’s home address. The franchise is unique in that it does not take over the counter orders, and only concentrates on deliveries to its current database of customers.

When first registering the customer needs to provide the usual amount of personal information (e.g. name, address, email, mobile number etc.). Customers are also able to receive various promotional information via an email shot by the company that occurs every 2-3 months, this is based on a special menu that is devised by the local manager.

The staff that work for FBN also provide a similar amount of information when they start at the franchise, along with the various training courses they have completed and skill set they possess. Certain information concerning the staff employment status is also kept e.g. the National Insurance number, scanned copy of their passport and a scanned copy of their driving licence (for drivers). The various employees can be either given a role as a driver, cook, order staff or shift-leader, these are entered into the system and updated when necessary. Also some details about the basic pay rate for each member of staff will be kept on the system.

One part of the system is so the owner of the franchise can identify which member of staff takes the most orders and what are the most popular orders taken. The owner wants to track if the customer has made their payment by either cash or card. The owner can then collate this information for all the outlets, and determine which of the outlets is performing best (and of course which needs to improve its performance).

There are two menus that the customer can chose from — the regular menu and the savers menu. All of the products sold should either be on the regular menu or on the savers menu. The regular menu has a breakfast section that finishes at 11am each day. The savers menu has a start and end date and is changed monthly. For example in December they will have a festive savers menu.

The order system should keep track of the following:
 Which customer places which order.
 All items on that order.
 Customer paid by card of cash.
 Which member of staff took that order?
 Shifts for all staff members.
 Each item should relate to a food/drink product.
 The manager is responsible for keeping the stock up to date.
 The cooks do not take orders directly from customers.

Naturally NO CASE STUDY can capture all the details of the operations of the franchise; you are permitted to make any assumptions (provided you write these down).

Task 1 (LO 1.1, LO 1.2, LO 2.1, LO 2.2)

Extra notes:
The mock-ups explained in Task 1C, Task 1D – these are more for presentation and layout, so are non-functional, that is why I recommend some generic packages like MS Word. But they should show the command buttons, navigation buttons and layout for the system being proposed.

(You can however use the actual form/report generator that the database itself has, provided you know how to use it. Of course you would naturally do this once the database has being built)

Business Case

Task 1A. Explain why a relational database would be suitable information system for the organisation such as the one provided in the case study and provide (3) three reasons to support your recommendation (600 words).

Task 1B. Explain (3) three distinct advantages concerning what a database management system provides to any organisation. Note: Make these relevant to the organisation in the case study (600 words).

Requirements Definition

Read the case study carefully, and decide what are the important (i.e. key) features of the system. Construct a basic prototype that will display the following:

Task 1C. Design a set of Initial screens that can be shown to the client – this allows for the input of information to satisfy the user requirements, you should produce at a minimum (5) five forms. Submit a softcopy that has a set of screen shots that illustrate the screen designs with appropriate narrative for each screen. (200 Words)

Task 1D. Design a set of typical reports that would be appropriate for the proposed company database – this requires you to assume the role of the user/manager and list three (3) likely reports he/she might need to do their job. It must show the report, its main features, and then populate it with some likely test data. Submit a softcopy that has a set of screen shots that illustrate these proposed screen designs. (200 Words)

A suitable package to do the above task (A to D) would be Microsoft Word or any similar product.

Task 2 (LO 2.1, LO 2.2)

Extra notes:
Task 2B: A key part of the system is the Entity Relationship Diagram – you must you the correct formalism as shown in the ilearn notes and the textbook. Care must be taken to identify the candidate entities from the case study.

A second draft is typically done, and careful re-examination of the case study to ensure you have all the potential entities.

Task 2C: A complete and thorough analysis using Normalisation is required and evidence that every table satisfies 1, 2, and 3 Normal forms.


Use database development strategy to decide the main elements of the database – this will include nominating the:

Fields (also the primary keys and foreign keys)


Links and Cardinalities

Task 2A. Produce a Data Dictionary – which contains the following information: table, field type, field size and field description. (400 words).

A suitable package to do Task 2B would be Microsoft Word or any similar product.

Database Design

Develop an initial prototype of this case study system, therefore in your design phase you and your team should create the following appropriate diagrams. Use the MySQL Workbench (or equivalent tool set) to create the following:

Task 2B. Propose an Entity - Relationship diagram that matches the information provided in the case study. Use the appropriate formalism and structure as explained in the theory. (Diagram along with 200 words).

Task 2C. Develop the Normalised Schema for the system you have proposed – normalise to 3rd normal form. Provide a relevant justification which shows how your ER-schema passes each of the normal forms. (Diagram along with 600 words).

A suitable package to do Task 2B would be Gliffy, EDraw, Microsoft Visio or any similar product.

Task 3 (LO 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)

Extra notes:
Task 3A, Task 3B: Screenshots to show the tables and records inside of these tables is sufficient to show me the tables have being built and records entered.

Task 3C: User guide is done from the perspective of a novice user – that needs to learn how the system operates, you can employ re-use of the forms already devised in Task 1C and Task 1D, along with the tables you have built in Task 3A, 3B.

Implementation of a Relational Database

Task 3A. Generate a physical database, using the final normalised ER – Diagram to create this database. Use MySQL server, Oracle Express or an equivalent relational database to create the system. Provide a relevant screenshots of the final system that displays the entire set of tables as evidence of its creation. (Labelling - 100 words).

Populate the Database

Task 3B. Demonstrate the entry of six (6) records into the database system that you previously created. These records might be used to display to the client that the system is operational. Provide screenshots of the final system that displays (3) three of the tables with the mock data inserted. (Labelling - 100 words).

User Help Guide

Task 3C. Design a comprehensive user manual that will describe how to use the database system you have developed. Screenshots of the main menu and navigation between the sub-menus along with accurate descriptions is an important feature of this section of the assignment. (800 Words)

Note: You may use previous screenshots (forms, reports and data screens) to create this manual.


Task 3D. Reflect upon your new developed understanding of database design and provide a lessons learned log – that indicates what you found important and any improvements you wish to make for the next version of the database, and other personal reflections. (200 Words)

A suitable package to do Task 3A, Task 3B would be MySQL community server or any similar product.

A suitable package to do Task 3C, Task 3D would be Microsoft Word or any similar product.
Formative Feedback Opportunity

In order to assist with your learning and to give you some early, formative feedback you are encouraged to submit a PLAN / OUTLINE of your report (i.e. not full answers – just a couple of sentences explaining what you intend to include in your answer for each section) to your tutor. If you do decide to complete the PLAN / OUTLINE then, in order to receive feedback, the document must be emailed to the tutor by 1st June 2016.

You are strongly encouraged to submit a full draft of your answers to all the tasks to your tutor by 17th July 2016.

The tutor’s email address can be found on the module front page on iLearn and you will receive feedback within seven days.

Student Guidelines

1. You should write the answers to the tasks in the form of a report, including a title page, contents page, and sections headings based on the tasks and sub-tasks.
2. You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. (See the Student Handbook which is in the Induction Area). Please also refer to the ‘Guide to Unfair Practice in Assessment’ on the module page on ilearn.
3. You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Bournemouth University (BU) Harvard system. The ‘My Study Skills’ area contains the following useful resources; Study Skills Guide (containing a BU Harvard Referencing section) and a BU Harvard Referencing Interactive Tutorial. You must use the BU Harvard Referencing method in your assignment.
4. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source using the BU Harvard Referencing method.
5. You are required to write your assignment within 4000 words in order for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and for effective time management. You are required to ensure that the assignment addresses all of the assessment tasks. In the interests of good academic practice, an assignment submitted with excessive word counts (i.e. more than 10% in excess of the limit) will be returned to you. You will be given a maximum of 48 hours to edit the work to reduce the word count to the permitted maximum. In the event that the submission is still regarded as excessively long then, in line with advice received from Pearson, we will be unable to accept it for marking and you will receive a Refer grade for Non-Submission.
The word count excludes the title page, reference list and appendices. Where assessment questions have been reprinted from the assessment brief these will also be excluded from the word count. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count. Printed words include those contained within charts and tables.
6. Your assignment should be submitted as a single document. For more information please see the “Guide to Submitting an Assignment” document available on the module page on iLearn.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Computing and Systems Development Case Study Assignment

Purpose of this assignment 

You will explore database architecture, DBMS and the use of databases in an organisational context. Databases has been the engine behind the information revolution, databases enable the users and companies to store, model and retrieve data in an efficient way. Database development is a mature field with solid grounding in well-established techniques and practises. Database Management Systems (DBMS) provide the integrated tools and interfaces by which the organisation can manage and maintain their data repositories and use the required information to assist in the effective running of the organisation. This assignment will enable you to develop your understanding of the concepts and issues relating to databases and database design as well as the practical skills to translate that understanding into the design and creation of complex databases. You will investigate database design techniques and apply their theoretical understanding to design, create and document a relational database system using techniques such as normalised E-R models and Standard Query Language (SQL). (This assignment brief must be read in conjunction with Edexcel Unit 17 R/601/0447 specification, provided separately) 


DoubleClick Consultancy Limited 

You are to assume the role of a database consultant working for DoubleClick Consultancy Limited, a computing consultancy company. 


The vehicle information firm HPI is your client, this company provide details on vehicles to detect fraud. HPI is still using the old-fashioned paper-based file system along with a rudimentary industry database which contained some vehicle details. HPI now wish to move on to a complete and modern electronic storage system. The company employed you to carry out a research and produce a report that will inform them about different issues and uses of databases. They also need help with difficult decisions such as what type of database to implement and which developmental methodology to follow.

Purpose for the new system: 

Database to tackle car fraudsters Dishonest motorists will find it harder to get away with filing bogus insurance claims, thanks to a new database. The database, to be run by vehicle information firm HPI, will log details of written-off or stolen vehicles. This will help insurers identify fraudsters who insure their car with several firms and then file multiple claims following a staged accident.
The Association of British Insurers (ABI) said that this type of database could help cut insurance costs for honest motorists.


The ABI estimates that the database could save insurers £20,000 a day in detecting and deterring fraudulent insurance claims. It added that insurers could be paying out as much as £500m a year to fraudulent claimants. "Dishonest motor insurance claims are paid for by honest customers, this is why insurers are determined to stamp them out," ABI spokesman said, in addition, "Not only will it help detect more motor fraud but it will act as a strong deterrent, making anyone thinking of cheating on their insurance think twice." The new database will combine information from insurers and the Police National Computer.

Previously, insurers tracked fraudsters by searching for inconsistencies in claim forms. They used a rudimentary industry database which contained some vehicle details. The database system should provide: 

(a) The names and other details of the case worker for a particular fraud inquiry. 
(d) The details of all vehicles under investigation.
(e) The differentiation of vehicles through registration numbers. 
(f) The number of drivers linked to a particular vehicle. 
(g) The details of Vehicle with MOT based filter. 
(k) The cars classified as written off or stolen by insurers. 
(l) The cases for specified dates. 
(m) The cars with multiple insurance. 
(n) The report that shows suspected fraud cases by date. 
(o) The report to show all cars classified as written off or stolen by date. 
(p) The report of drivers disqualified to drive by date. 
(q) The report of drivers with criminal records. 
(r) The maintenance documents for the technical staff to support database system. 
(s) The user manual to show users how to use the database system. 

Task 1 (LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2 and M1)

You will explain the following concepts and discuss the importance of these in database management systems within organisational environments: 1. Different Database Architectures 2. Data Consistency 3. Methods of data access, data recovery and data security 4. Role of database administrator in keeping data integrity 5. Role of Industry standards (e.g. Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL) The concepts discussed will be presented in a structured report for the directors of HPI company. This report will help them to make strategic decisions on the scale and modalities of the required database system.

 Task 2 (LO2 AC 2.1, 2.2, 3.2 and M1, M2, D3 )

You will analyse the requirements of the client for the database system and translate these requirements to SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) Objectives (requirement specifications). These objectives will inform the design and evaluation process including the verification during the implementation and testing phase. You will provide reflections on the importance of your chosen system development methodology for the database design process. You will show the understanding of database design methods and will provide the design models according to the requirement specifications.
The developed designs and models must show the normalisation process up-to 3NF with at-least 4 inter-relational tables. You must also provide a running commentary of your design solutions (e.g. using E-R models, data dictionaries etc.) explaining your rationale and each design decision made. Your designs will also show appropriate user interface for your database systems according to the specification requirements.

 Task 3 (LO3 AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and M2, D1, D3)

You will implement your solution using SQL software and appropriate tools within the development environment. You will test the database system according to the specification, using suitable technologies. The tests will be carried out for coding errors, functional requirements, usability, consistency, integration, UAT, layout & style and accessibility. You will show the implementation of verification and validation techniques throughout implementation and testing phase. You will provide the user manual and maintenance documents in a structured way. These documentations will be used by the users of the system and technical staff in-charge of administration and maintenance of the database system respectively. 

Task 4 (LO4 AC 1.2, 3.4 and D1)

You will get the users feedback for the system and analyse and comment on the feedback. Your analysis should show what worked for the users and how to improve the system for future iterations. You will provide reflections on the system development process and lessons learnt. You will suggest the improvements for the future based on the analyses of the feedback and your own reflections for the whole system development process.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Database Design Assignment Case Study

1. General Information

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in analysing and designing adatabase for a given problem. It will help you to understand the nature and purpose of database analysis and design.

This assignment is an individual assignment. There are no restrictions on the use of word processors or similar tools for the production of submissions for this assignment.

Be sure to maintain regular back-ups for any models or material prepared with the aid of software. Loss of files will not be accepted as an excuse for non-completion of this assignment.

Submit assignment to the Moodle site of this subject. Marked assignments will be available from Moodle website of this subject.

2. Problem Description

The Magic Fitness Centre (MFC) was established recently. It has two branches in Canberra. MFC requires your team to design a database system to enable more smooth operation of the gym by providing timely information to the MFC staff. The details of the branches of MFC are:

Branch name
Telephone number
CF Dickson
150 Camilla Way, Dickson, 2662, ACT
62126666, 62127777
CF City
121A Nortbourne Ave, Braddon 2612, ACT

MFC database will record and store the data about each of its clients and gym instructors including first and last name, email address, home address (street number, street name, suburb, post-code, city, state), gender, date of birth and type of gym classes a client is enrolled in. The name (first and last name), contact telephone number and address (street number, street name, suburb, post-code, city, state) of client’s next-of-kin is also stored in MFC database.

MFC offers several types of gym classes. Gym classes are managed under class development section of MFC. There exist several types of gym classes. These are namely Body Balance, Body Pump and Yoga classes. A client can be enrolled in up to five different classes at anytime. Full gym membership price for a year is $800 for all normal clients and $400 for senior clients of MFC. Senior client is a person who is over 65 years old. There are also three and six months Gym memberships. The details and cost of MFC gym memberships are:

Gym membership ID
Gym membership type
Cost (normal client)
Cost (senior client)
12 Months
6 Months

There are casual rates for non-members of MFC too attend a class. Casual class rates are:

Class type
Cost per hour
Body Balance
$10 per class
Body Pump
$10 per class
$8 per class

If a casual client wants to attend a class then the client should make a payment for his/her class before he/she can attend that class.

The payment for causal clients is made at MFC branches. Before the first class, a client is required to attend an interview with his/her instructor to access the client’s needs. The interview takes 10 minutes before the class.

When a client joins MFC he or she is assigned a client number and his/her details are recorded. Every client is provided with a client number and the rules of MFC.

Clients are not required to book for each class. However the detail of each client attending each class is stored by MFC. These details are Class type, Date, Time, Client number as well as the client first and last name.

MFC has several staff members in each branch. For each staff member the following data is stored in the database system of MFC: staff first and last name, staff number, position, gender, date of birth, name of the section he/she works in, branch telephone numbers and branch number.

For each instructor the following data is stored in MFC database: staff first and last name, instructor number, position, gender, date of birth, type of classes that an instructor can teach (i.e. Body Balance, Body Pump, Aqua aerobics, Yoga), branch telephone number and branch number of all branches in which the instructor teaches a class.

The information about each branch: branch name, address, telephone and fax number. Class time tables are stores in MFC database.

The instructor’s identity is established with their ID number and it is used to retrieve the details of the classes they teach. The details of each class (class number, Instructor ID number, date and time) are stored in the MFC database.

MFC website provides the class timetable and instructor availability facilities where a client can check the availability of a certain classes with the details of the class instructors teaching that class. The weekly timetable of classes is:

Body Balance Instructor: Mary Douglas
Body Balance Instructor:
Mary Douglas
Mary Douglas
Mary Douglas
Body Balance  Instructor:
Jim Lee
Body Balance  Instructor:
Arif Khan
Yoga Instructor: John Bossy
John Bossy
Body Pump Instructor:
Sue Jones
Body Pump
John Bossy
Instructor: Andrew Low
John Bossy
Body Pump Instructor: Jane Pontiac
Body Pump Instructor:
Jane Pontiac
Body  Balance
David Holden
Body  Balance
Jane Pontiac
Body Pump
Jane Pontiac
Body Pump
Helen Ford
Yoga Instructor:
Ali Khan
Ali Khan
Jane Jones
Jane Jones
Helen Ford
John Bossy

MFC keeps track of maintenance schedules for each of their gym equipment. A MFC staff contacts gym equipment suppliers as soon as a fault is report for any gym equipment to repair the equipment. The details of the faulty equipments as well as the staff umber of MFC staff that reported the fault to a supplier, with the date and time of equipment fault report is stored in MFC database. MFC has several gym equipment suppliers. For each supplier the following data is stored in the databasesystem of MFC: supplier name, supplier number, address, telephone number. Equipment details are also stored in MFC database. These details are: equipment number, equipment name, cost and date of purchase as well as supplier number.

MFC has two seminar rooms. These seminar rooms are rented to any customer that wants to organise a seminar. The cost of hire of a seminar room is $400 per day. Seminar room details are stored in MFC database. The seminar room details are: room number, room size, room location and rental price per day. Detail of customers that hire a seminar room is also stored in MFC database. These details are: customer number, customer first and last name, dates for which a seminar room is hired (i.e. start date and end date). MFC provides food if required for any seminar booked at MFC. The details stored about all seminar rooms hired and food provided is recorded in MFC database. For each seminar the number of guest are recorded in the MFC database and the type and price of food ordered for each seminar is also recorded in the database of MFC.


For the scenario in the problem above:

(a)           Identify entity types and their attributes, including the primary keys. (20 Marks)

(b)          Compile the E-R of the system in third normal form. (state all assumptions that you have made)                                                                                                                    (10 Marks)

Note: If you make any assumptions, they should be explained clearly.

Submit your list of entities and their attributes, including the primary keys, your E-R diagram and all assumptions you have made to Moodle site of Database Design(5915)/Database Design G (6672) on the due date specified above. The first page of your assignment should include the following information:

Thursday, 11 August 2016

D&M Mobile Application Designing Case Study

D&M design clothes, arranges shows throughout Australia to advertise themselves but they don’t have any online store. As their nature of the business is manufacturing clothes, they wanted to sell directly to the general public (visitor) and to resellers.

Store requires following functionalities: 
  • Front-end should be responsive to the devices.
  • Admin Panel to change any type of information over the web.
  • Data Dynamicity
  • Option to upload video with any product.
  • Product could properties in terms of color, size, images(slide show).
  • Clients (Resellers) can login into the system to make the purchase.
  • Visitor can either login or can use Guest Checkout to perform the checkout functionality.[Read sample Android Assignment]
  • Emails need to send to the buyers and admin accordingly.
  • Recording of the transactions should be kept in the admin panel.
  • Stock needs to be maintained accordingly so that admin can generate the report at any  point of time.
  • Clients interested to know about the AUSPOST to be connected with the system
  • Home, Aboutus, Picture Gallery, Video Gallery, Latest shows (you tube videos link), terms & conditions, privacy, return policy, contact us, find a reseller(google maps pinning)


Design and develop a mobile app (Andriod) to provide the services listed above. (Connection with D&M’s website database is required.)