Present Multi Media Product
‘Present a multi-media product which provides you with an opportunity for to use a range of media to communicate your findings to a target audience. It is anticipated that the product will be a professionally finished and presented multi media product on an aspect of Youth Justice; for example a (non-live) web page, poster, e-forum, (non-live) app’.
· Choose an aspect of youth justice that you wish to explain to your peers. Examples of this might be the role of PACE, the appropriate adult, what bail support means, explaining the court systems.
· Research your topic and gather information, data, materials, statisitics and such like to support the development of your media product. [Read about Android Mobile Application Development].
· Design and produce the media product. This needs to:
v define your topic
v explain how it works
v explain the research behind it
v what it means
v how it influences youth justice (experiences)
v how it might be accessed
v suggest improvements
a) The rationale behind your topic choice including statistics (500 words)
b) Recommendations and conclusion: improvement suggestions (500 words)
c) Reference List
The topics to be looked into are:
1. Triage scheme in the Youth Justice System
2. Youth Justice Liaison and Diversion Schemes
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