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Thursday, 30 June 2016

Android App Development Case Study

Present Multi Media Product


 ‘Present a multi-media product which provides you with an opportunity for to use a range of media to communicate your findings to a target audience. It is anticipated that the product will be a professionally finished and presented multi media product on an aspect of Youth Justice; for example a (non-live) web page, poster, e-forum, (non-live) app’.


·    Choose an aspect of youth justice that you wish to explain to your peers. Examples of this might be the role of PACE, the appropriate adult, what bail support means, explaining the court systems.
·    Research your topic and gather information, data, materials, statisitics and such like to support the development of your media product. [Read about Android Mobile Application Development].
·         Design and produce the media product. This needs to:

v  define your topic 
v  explain how it works 
v  explain the research behind it 
v  what it means
v  how it influences youth justice (experiences) 
v  how it might be accessed 
v  suggest improvements

a)   The rationale behind your topic choice including statistics (500 words) 
b)   Recommendations and conclusion: improvement suggestions (500 words) 
c)   Reference List 

The topics to be looked into are:

1.   Triage scheme in the Youth Justice System
2.   Youth Justice Liaison and Diversion Schemes

Programming Assignments Help is the best assignment help provider in the United Kingdom. Our online assignment writing help UK is especially dedicated for the students studying in all UK colleges and universities. Submit assignment to get the best quality assignment help.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Web Applications Development Case Study


You are required to create a simple web application which we will call Recycle for the
purpose of listing used as well as new items online. Visitors to the site will be able to register
with the site as members and once registered and verified members can post information
about items they wish to donate and search for items posted by other members. To
implement the site you must use HTML5, CSS and JavaScript for the client- side coding.
ASP.NET or PHP must be used for the server side coding. The site must run from a local
web server. The backend will be built with MySQL or MS SQL Server database.

Functional Specification

1. Account Creation

Create an HTML form which allows visitors to create a member’s account with the site with
only 4 pieces of information from the applicant; username, password (to be stored in an
encrypted format in the database), email address and postcode. Account details are to be
stored in your MS SQL MySQL database. On completing this form, the applicant must be
presented with the verification form (level 2).
The system must prevent duplicate usernames being chosen. Do not use the email address
as a username. Newly created accounts must remain inactive until they are verified by
handshaking the email details (level 2).

2. Account Verification

Account verification will require sending a message to the email address provided in level 1.
This email message should include a 5 character activation code which enables a user to
activate their newly created account. Users should not be allowed to make further use of the
site until they have verified their account. You are to create an HTML account verification
form which requires an agent to enter the activation code (retrieved from their email).
Accounts must remain inactive until the correct information is provided.

3. Authentication

Provide a login form that allows returning verified members to authenticate with the site using
their username and password. These credentials should be compared with the information
recorded in your database. Users who have already applied to be members but have not yet
verified their account but attempt to log in using this from must be presented with the
verification form you created above.
Note: You will need to initiate some form of session state to prevent unauthorised access to
further activity.

4. Item Post

Provide an HTML form that allows authenticated members (who have verified their account)
to post advertisements of items they wish to donate. This information should be structured to
include a brief heading (item title) and a more complete multi-line description plus one or
more images. This information must be stored with a posting date and be editable by the
member who posted it and nobody else. Members should be able to delete items they have
listed (to remove them once they have been recycled).
Note: Images may be stored as either files on the server or as records in the SQL database.
Remember that images need suitable alternate text content when included in a web page
(the filename is seldom appropriate as alt text).[Also Read Newspaper Web Designing Assignment]

5. Item Search

Provide a means for authenticated members to browse and search uploaded information.
Browsing should list all posted item titles in reverse chronological order. Searching should
filter this list with the option to choose searching titles only or searching full item details. Each
entry in the list may be clicked to show full item and (public, so not email) member details
including a map location.
Note: Item lists may become lengthy and must therefore be paginated. You should not
expect search terms to be an exact match for items. Make sure that you have sufficient items
in your database to demonstrate pagination. You may wish to include thumbnails alongside
item titles in the lists.

Task 1: Understand the concepts of web application development 

In the reference to the above scenario:

1.1       Evaluate the functions and advantages of web applications. [P1.1].
1.2     Compare different types of server-side and client-side scripting languages. [P1.2,
1.3      Examine    web    security     concerns     and     make    recommendations     for    security
improvements for your web application. [P1.3, D1].

Task 2: Design web applications

This task focuses in the design of the web application and associated database. Within this
context and in the reference to the above scenario:

2.1       Design a web application to meet the given requirements in the scenario above. Use
all relevant techniques such as wire-framing, storyboarding and sitemap. Your
website shall have all the relevant pages for full implementation of the above
scenario including a sitemap. Use master pages/layout to create a consistent layout
for the pages in your application. [P2.1, M2].
2.2       Synthesise client-side and server-side (client-server architecture) functionality in
your web application. [P2.2].
2.3       Design a database system for use in your web application. [P2.3, D2].
2.4       Evaluate alternative designs and solutions to meet a given requirement. [P2.4, M2].

Task 3: Implement Web Applications

This task aims to establish a good familiarity with the implementation of the web application
using proper client-server technologies connected to a relational database using html, CSS,
JavaScript, PHP/ASP.NET and SQL/MySQL DB. To this end you have to:

3.1       Implement the proposed wireframe and the client-server architecture introduced in
task 2 using scripting languages as appropriate: HTML for web pages, CSS for
presentation styles, JavaScript for client side script, php/ASP.NET for server side
script and SQL for database query. Create the required pages and relevant
functionalities as specified in the scenario above. [P3.1, M2]. 
 3.2       Implement a web-enabled database management system to store, retrieve and
manipulate data in the web application as specified in the scenario above. [P3.2,
3.3       Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting. [P3.3, M1].

Task 4: Test Web Applications

You are required to produce web sites that pass W3C validation using
and also pass least the Priority 1 W3C web content accessibility guidelines. When designing
your web pages you should give serious consideration to usability and how CSS and
JavaScript can be used to enhance usability. Your sites are at required to display and
operate correctly on all popular web browsers, i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc. Client side (JavaScript) and server side (PHP, ASP.NET) scripts
must be used to validate input data from all forms. Your site must operate correctly with and
without JavaScript and CSS.[Read about website designing testing assignment]

You need to provide the overall documentation for the website testing including a detailed
description of the tests you will perform on the various functions and web services of the
program, the database and the program as a whole to ensure that each function works
correctly (Unit Testing), all the functions work together correctly (Integration Testing) and that
the website meets all the requirements (Acceptance Testing). Moreover, you are required to
test the compatibility issues (test the website using various web browsers), compliance the
website with the relevant legislation the security issues and the accessibility and usability
features of the website, you have to explain and justify your answers. To this end you must:

4.1      Review and test your web application on front end and back end levels. [P4.1, D1].
4.2      analyse actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies (Use
verification table). [P4.2, M3].
4.3      Critically evaluate independent feedback on a developed web application and make
recommendations for improvements [P4.3].
4.4      Create user documentation for a developed web application. [P4.4].

 Assessment Methods

This is an individual coursework.
There are TWO components to this assignment.
1. Your system will be assessed at a laboratory demonstration/viva where the complete
system (software or hardware) you produced will be demonstrated and you will be
asked to answer related questions. For this, you will need to prepare a power point
presentation or similar presentation package of your choice to aid your oral
presentation. The presentation will last no more than 10-15 minutes. You will be
marked on content, presentation style and clarity of delivery. This is important and
you should treat it as an examination. [M3]

2. You will need to produce a short report addressing all the questions in each learning
outcome. You must include your power point slides in this report. There is no written
examination for this unit.

Additional Specs, Hints & Good Programming Practices

•      The marking scheme for this coursework will assign marks for Functionality, Quality
of Code, Program Design, Style, Documentation and Working Binaries. Style and
Documentation are crucial – you must neatly comment your code.

•      Try and break the coursework down into do-able chunks as identified by the task list.
These are distinct programs in the coursework, so try and modularise your effort – for
instance - first you need to set up the menu system and build functionalities of each
menu item one by one. This approach will help in the testing and debugging process
of your code.

Programming Assignment Help provides plagiarism free assignments i.e. all our solutions are genuine and written by best technical assignment writers who have years of experience. Get a quote now.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Student Information Management System Case Study


White Chapel Academy has asked you to develop a Student Information Management System (SIMS). The system shall hold the details of every student and tutor and admin staff in the school as well as storing information about the courses that are available at the school. It shall enable the school staff to enroll students to the school and manage student’s fee payments.

Once the students are enrolled, a system administrator will create classes in the system and allocate date, time and tutor for each class to enroll students to. The system shall also be used for managing students’ class attendance as well as track their progress in the course. The system shall have a facility for registered parents to login and check their sons’ or daughters’ attendance, academic progress, behavior at school.

When a student first enrolls at the school, he or she will receive a timetable with a list of classes and date/time for each class in a term. During student registration, the system shall verify whether the student has satisfied the necessary prerequisites for each term by referring to the student’s online transcript of courses completed and grades received (the student can review his or her transcript online at any time as can his or her parents).

Assuming that (a) the prerequisites for enrollment are satisfied, (b) there is room available in each of the classes, the student is enrolled in the classes else he or she is placed on a first-come, first-served waiting list. If a class/section that he or she was previously wait-listed for becomes available (either because some other student has dropped the class or because the seating capacity for the class has been increased), the student is automatically enrolled in the wait-listed class, and an email message to that effect is sent to the student and parents.

Other optional features include:

Calendar events
Records of detention
Keeping correspondence history between the school & parents
Messaging facility between students as well as students and staff/tutors

User Interface

Users shall have access to the system using user friendly menu system.
The UI implementation will be a graphical user interface.

Data Persistence
Data shall be persisted in a text file in the form of simple tab or comma-delimited file.

Programming Environment
NetBeans with latest JDK available at the time.

NOTES ON IMPLEMENTATION: While you are expected to produce an OOP solution using appropriate object modelling and design approaches for the scenario, you are not expected to implement the scenario in its entirety. Coding the sections in italics (see scenario above) is optional.

Task 1

1.1 Briefly list and describe three main features of programming in Java [P1.1]
1.2 What do we mean by BYTECODE and JVM in Java? [P1.2, M1]

To achieve M1, you must demonstrate a clear understanding of the core principles of Java programming & compilation, interpretation process and will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria.

Task 2

2.1 Design a Java programming solution to the SIMS scenario using use-case diagram that shows how users will interact with the system. [P2.1, M2]
2.2 Identify the components and file structures required to implement the SIMS. [P2.2]
2.3 Use UML class diagrams to show the classes in your system, attributes and operations of each class and the relationship between classes. Define clearly each class, main methods and properties [P2.2, D1].

To achieve M2, you should have applied the relevant theories and use case diagrams in the design process and you must justify the design methods and techniques used.
To achieve D1, you must show the use of critical reflection to evaluate your own work and justify valid conclusions. The validity of results must be evaluated using defined criteria, Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success.

Task 3

In this section you should apply the appropriate fundamental programming concepts (such as variables, constants, arrays, strings, methods, constructs, inheritance, encapsulation etc.) and make use of appropriate Java API classes (such as Scanner, String etc.). In addition your program should incorporate appropriate error handling. Comments are also to be inserted to improve program clarity. To this end you have to:

3.1 Implement the SIMS based on your design. [P3.1, D2]
3.2 Implement classes using inheritance relationship. [P3.2, D3]
3.3 Use methods and attributes in different classes using instances/objects. [P3.3, D2]
3.4 Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting. [P3.4, D3]
3.5 Make effective use of the Netbeans (IDE). [P3.5]

To achieve D2, you should have made alternative approach and critical evaluation procedures, demonstrating autonomy and independence. Also will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria and thus taken the responsibility for managing and organising activities.
To achieve D3, you should have demonstrated effective thinking has taken place in the context of implementing object behaviors, idea generation and decision making in the implementation process and finally demonstration of self-evaluation has taken place.

Task 4

In this section you need to provide overall documentation for the system analysis, design and implementation as follows:
4.1 critically review and test your solution. [P4.1, M3]
4.2 analyse actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies. [P4.2, M3]

4.3 evaluate independent feedback on your solution and make recommendations for improvements
[P4.3, M3].
4.4 create user documentation for the solution. [P4.4]
4.5 create technical documentation for the support and maintenance of your system. [P4.5]

To achieve M3, The appropriate structure and approach has been used, coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience and demonstration of self-evaluation has taken place. A range of methods of presentation (technical and user documents) has been used and technical language have been accurately used, Communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

Programming Assignments Help is the best assignment help provider in the United Kingdom. Our online assignment writing help UK is especially dedicated for the students studying in all UK colleges and universities. Submit assignment to get the best quality assignment help.

Monday, 13 June 2016

ICTM Java Programming Case Study


White Chapel Academy has asked you to develop a Student Information Management System (SIMS). The system shall hold the details of every student and tutor and admin staff in the school as well as storing information about the courses that are available at the school. It shall enable the school staff to enroll students to the school and manage student’s fee payments.

Once the students are enrolled, a system administrator will create classes in the system and allocate date, time and tutor for each class to enroll students to. The system shall also be used for managing students’ class attendance as well as track their progress in the course. The system shall have a facility for registered parents to login and check their sons’ or daughters’ attendance, academic progress, behaviour at school.[Read about E-Commerce Website Designing Assignment]

When a student first enrolls at the school, he or she will receive a timetable with a list of classes and date/time for each class in a term. During student registration, the system shall verify whether the student has satisfied the necessary prerequisites for each term by referring to the student’s online transcript of courses completed and grades received (the student can review his or her transcript online at any time as can his or her parents).

Assuming that (a) the prerequisites for enrollment are satisfied, (b) there is room available in each of the classes, the student is enrolled in the classes else he or she is placed on a first-come, first-served waiting list. If a class/section that he or she was previously wait-listed for becomes available (either because some other student has dropped the class or because the seating capacity for the class has been increased), the student is automatically enrolled in the wait-listed class, and an email message to that effect is sent to the student and parents.

Other optional features include:
Calendar events
Records of detention
Keeping correspondence history between the school & parents
Messaging facility between students as well as students and staff/tutors

User Interface

Users shall have access to the system using user friendly menu system.
The UI implementation will be a graphical user interface.

Data Persistence

Data shall be persisted in a text file in the form of simple tab or comma-delimited file.

Programming Environment

NetBeans with latest JDK available at the time.

NOTES ON IMPLEMENTATION: While you are expected to produce an OOP solution using appropriate object modelling and design approaches for the scenario, you are not expected to implement the scenario in its entirety. Coding the sections in italics (see scenario above) is optional.

Task 1

1.1 Briefly list and describe three main features of programming in Java [P1.1]
1.2 What do we mean by BYTECODE and JVM in Java? [P1.2, M1]

To achieve M1, you must demonstrate a clear understanding of the core principles of Java programming & compilation, interpretation process and will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria.

Task 2

2.1 Design a Java programming solution to the SIMS scenario using use-case diagram that shows how users will interact with the system. [P2.1, M2]
2.2 Identify the components and file structures required to implement the SIMS. [P2.2]
2.3 Use UML class diagrams to show the classes in your system, attributes and operations of each class and the relationship between classes. Define clearly each class, main methods and properties [P2.2, D1].

To achieve M2, you should have applied the relevant theories and use case diagrams in the design process and you must justify the design methods and techniques used.
To achieve D1, you must show the use of critical reflection to evaluate your own work and justify valid conclusions. The validity of results must be evaluated using defined criteria, Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success.

Task 3

In this section you should apply the appropriate fundamental programming concepts (such as variables, constants, arrays, strings, methods, constructs, inheritance, encapsulation etc.) and make use of appropriate Java API classes (such as Scanner, String etc.). In addition your program should incorporate appropriate error handling. Comments are also to be inserted to improve program clarity. To this end you have to:

3.1 Implement the SIMS based on your design. [P3.1, D2]
3.2 Implement classes using inheritance relationship. [P3.2, D3]
3.3 Use methods and attributes in different classes using instances/objects. [P3.3, D2]
3.4 Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting. [P3.4, D3]
3.5 Make effective use of the Netbeans (IDE). [P3.5]

To achieve D2, you should have made alternative approach and critical evaluation procedures, demonstrating autonomy and independence. Also will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria and thus taken the responsibility for managing and organising activities.
To achieve D3, you should have demonstrated effective thinking has taken place in the context of implementing object behaviors, idea generation and decision making in the implementation process and finally demonstration of self-evaluation has taken place.

Task 4

In this section you need to provide overall documentation for the system analysis, design and implementation as follows:

4.1 critically review and test your solution. [P4.1, M3]
4.2 analyse actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies. [P4.2, M3]

4.3 evaluate independent feedback on your solution and make recommendations for improvements
[P4.3, M3].
4.4 create user documentation for the solution. [P4.4]
4.5 create technical documentation for the support and maintenance of your system. [P4.5]

To achieve M3, The appropriate structure and approach has been used, coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience and demonstration of self-evaluation has taken place. A range of methods of presentation (technical and user documents) has been used and technical language have been accurately used, Communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts

Programming Assignment Help provides plagiarism free assignments i.e. all our solutions are genuine and written by best technical assignment writers who have years of experience

Order now and get your assignments done before the deadline!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Mobile Game Development Case Study

Case Study

You will individually create a fully complete educational (school-age) mobile game using mobile web design skills. You will submit your completed application's project folder as a zip file.
You will also have to record a video of your completed educational game. This will be a 2-3 minute video, created in any way you choose. Your video will detail what your game does, how you created it, and the challenges faced and overcome.
This is an individual project.


Your game must have the following features to pass:
  • The game must operate correctly and adjust in size for both portrait and landscape for the following devices:
    • Apple iPhone 6
    • Samsung Galaxy S4
    • Apple iPad
  • There must be a button to reset the game (either within the game or with Location.reload).
  • There must be your name and SID somewhere on the screen.
  • There must be at least 5 unique in-game moving objects. At least 3 of these should interact with the player (e.g. enemies, who hurt the player's life when hit). All should be different from each other somehow (different images + different code).
    • Note 1: these don't have to be on the same game screen. They can be spread over different levels, for example.
    • Note 2: they don't have to "move" per se, but something visual must change in response to an event (e.g. colour / image change).
    • Note 3: "interacting" means either a direct user event (e.g. a tap), or a game event (e.g. a collision)
  • In your project folder, a licenses.txt file in your project folder, with one item per line, as:
    • enemy1.jpg - from http://www..... - person name - License CC BY
    • road.jpg - created by myself (using Adobe Illustrator) - screenshots of proof / raw images of in the "_sources" folder

Video Requirements (2-3 minutes):

  1. Your Student Name + introtoapps login name + SID (as text on the screen, so we can read it)
  2. A quick view of your licenses.txt file contents [5 seconds].
  3. Every feature of your app that you want to be marked for (so we know where to find it) [~60-120 seconds]. E.g. every pass feature + credit feature, if you want a credit; plus any bonus cool things you added. These features just need to be pointed out so we know where to find them; you do not need to explain how they work.
  4. The hardest challenges for you, and how you overcame them [in any remaining time]. This lets us know what you personally learned from this exercise.
Aim for around 720 x 406 Universal pixel size (not larger), and around 20mb in size (less is better). We will have 150 student videos to download, so giving us 100mb files is a no-no 


Minimum required to pass

  • You have a working app that achieves all basic features.
  • Your app correctly and legally attributes all code, images and media (using other people's work without permission + attribution is plagiarism, and results in an immediate fail).
  • You have submitted your project folder (compressed as a zip) and the demonstration video.
  • Your code is well commented.
  • Your code is correctly indented.
Important note: failure to legally attribute any work that isn't your own results in a fail. When in doubt, consider creating your own media. 

Grades above pass

  • Credit:
    • There are no spelling mistakes anywhere in the app. Spelling mistakes look incredibly unprofessional, and turn users off immediately. Be a professional, paste text into Word temporarily and do a spell check.
    • The game has 2 playable scenes / levels. DO NOT go to a different URL (don't have different HTML pages). That works in web pages, but not web apps. A web app (and a mobile web app) is self-contained. The entire app works from a single HTML file.
    • The game is engaging and fun to play for at least 15 minutes.
    • The game is technically correct. There are no obvious bugs or anomalies.
    • The game includes music and/or sound.
  • Distinction: All features of a Credit, and:
    • The game has the ability to pause and resume.
    • The game has a help button, that first pauses the game, and then displays help text on how to use the game. On closing the help text, the game resumes.
    • The game is engaging and fun to play for at least 30 minutes.
    • The game demonstrates all programming concepts we have covered in class, in new / unique ways. In other words, you haven't just copied the approach and modified values, but you have taken the concept and applied it to your situation in a way that is different than shown and that demonstrates you truly understand how the concept works.
    • The game is at a level that could be published as-is, and would be accepted by the app stores.
  • High Distinction: All features of a Distinction, and:
    • The game has 3 or more playable scenes / levels.
    • The game demonstrates you can independently learn multiple advanced concepts, not covered in class, making it clear that you are already ready to enter a professional career as you are able to research and learn new concepts independently.
    • The app is voted by myself as indistinguishable to a high-quality real world app. E.g. no one can tell it is a student app.

Images: Free to Use for Commercial Purposes / Public Domain

When thinking about your Project, there is some very important information that I need you to know. You cannot ever use any image from the web or another source, unless you have legal permission to use it. That means either having someone develop the artwork for you (more for real-world projects, not this one), or you find images that have a "license for commercial use" or in the "public domain". If you can't find such a license that specifically references the file you use, then you cannot use it at all. Doing so is illegal in the real world, and results in an immediate fail of this project. 

Ways to create the video

As well as your project source code, you must create a video to show us how to use your mobile web app. This is to ensure we do not miss anything important, as in playing your game we may not get to all levels and see everything you want us to see. So it is important that YOU show us EVERYTHING we need for the grade you want to achieve.

Your video must include:

  1. Your Student Name + introtoapps login name + SID (as text on the screen, so we can read it)
  2. A quick view of your licenses.txt file contents [5 seconds].
  3. Every feature of your app that you want to be marked for (so we know where to find it) [~60-120 seconds]. E.g. "I am aiming for a credit, so here are the features firstly for passing... and here are the features for credit..." This then helps us determine if you have truly achieved that grade level, and makes sure we don't miss anything. 
  4. The hardest challenges for you, and how you overcame them [in any remaining time]. This is important because we want to know that YOU learned something from this experience beyond just program code. We want to know what you learned from the whole experience.

You can create the video in any application you like. The method used does not matter at all. You are only judged on your content. Note that the file must be an MP4 file. You can create the video in any format and use free software Handbrake to convert to MP4. Possible methods to create the video:
  • Physically using your mobile phone camera pointed at your PC screen, record your app in use.
  • Using any screen capturing software you are familiar with (more advanced, but not required)
Aim for around 720 x 406 Universal pixel size (not larger), and around 20mb in size (less is better, otherwise uploading will take forever). For changing compression and video size, I use the software HandBrake
  1. Make sure your hand doesn't touch the bottom of the phone where the microphone is, otherwise the sound will be muffled. The alternative is to plug in hands-free headphones (the ones with a microphone), and put them on, so you're speaking out and the microphone at your chest is picking everything up.
  2. Test your video by playing it back immediately, and listening to the sound quality all the way through. If it isn't perfect, record it again. Record as many times as you need to make it perfect. If we cannot hear something, we don't know about it and we may miss it. It is your responsibility to speak clearly, articulate your speech as best as you can, and show on screen what we should be looking for. Just like in the real world, it is your job to engage the audience to play your game. Engage us to find the features in your game.
Programming Assignments Help is the best assignment help provider in the United Kingdom. Our online assignment writing help UK is especially dedicated for the students studying in all UK colleges and universities. Submit assignment to get the best quality assignment help.