Case Study
You will individually create a fully complete educational (school-age) mobile game using mobile web design skills. You will submit your completed application's project folder as a zip file.
You will also have to record a video of your completed educational game. This will be a 2-3 minute video, created in any way you choose. Your video will detail what your game does, how you created it, and the challenges faced and overcome.
This is an individual project.
Your game must have the following features to pass:
- The game must operate correctly and adjust in size for both portrait and landscape for the following devices:
- Apple iPhone 6
- Samsung Galaxy S4
- Apple iPad
- There must be a button to reset the game (either within the game or with Location.reload).
- There must be your name and SID somewhere on the screen.
- There must be at least 5 unique in-game moving objects. At least 3 of these should interact with the player (e.g. enemies, who hurt the player's life when hit). All should be different from each other somehow (different images + different code).
- Note 1: these don't have to be on the same game screen. They can be spread over different levels, for example.
- Note 2: they don't have to "move" per se, but something visual must change in response to an event (e.g. colour / image change).
- Note 3: "interacting" means either a direct user event (e.g. a tap), or a game event (e.g. a collision)
- In your project folder, a licenses.txt file in your project folder, with one item per line, as:
- enemy1.jpg - from http://www..... - person name - License CC BY
- road.jpg - created by myself (using Adobe Illustrator) - screenshots of proof / raw images of in the "_sources" folder
Video Requirements (2-3 minutes):
- Your Student Name + introtoapps login name + SID (as text on the screen, so we can read it)
- A quick view of your licenses.txt file contents [5 seconds].
- Every feature of your app that you want to be marked for (so we know where to find it) [~60-120 seconds]. E.g. every pass feature + credit feature, if you want a credit; plus any bonus cool things you added. These features just need to be pointed out so we know where to find them; you do not need to explain how they work.
- The hardest challenges for you, and how you overcame them [in any remaining time]. This lets us know what you personally learned from this exercise.
Aim for around 720 x 406 Universal pixel size (not larger), and around 20mb in size (less is better). We will have 150 student videos to download, so giving us 100mb files is a no-no
Minimum required to pass
- You have a working app that achieves all basic features.
- Your app correctly and legally attributes all code, images and media (using other people's work without permission + attribution is plagiarism, and results in an immediate fail).
- You have submitted your project folder (compressed as a zip) and the demonstration video.
- Your code is well commented.
- Your code is correctly indented.
Important note: failure to legally attribute any work that isn't your own results in a fail. When in doubt, consider creating your own media.
Grades above pass
- Credit:
- There are no spelling mistakes anywhere in the app. Spelling mistakes look incredibly unprofessional, and turn users off immediately. Be a professional, paste text into Word temporarily and do a spell check.
- The game has 2 playable scenes / levels. DO NOT go to a different URL (don't have different HTML pages). That works in web pages, but not web apps. A web app (and a mobile web app) is self-contained. The entire app works from a single HTML file.
- The game is engaging and fun to play for at least 15 minutes.
- The game is technically correct. There are no obvious bugs or anomalies.
- The game includes music and/or sound.
- Distinction: All features of a Credit, and:
- The game has the ability to pause and resume.
- The game has a help button, that first pauses the game, and then displays help text on how to use the game. On closing the help text, the game resumes.
- The game is engaging and fun to play for at least 30 minutes.
- The game demonstrates all programming concepts we have covered in class, in new / unique ways. In other words, you haven't just copied the approach and modified values, but you have taken the concept and applied it to your situation in a way that is different than shown and that demonstrates you truly understand how the concept works.
- The game is at a level that could be published as-is, and would be accepted by the app stores.
- High Distinction: All features of a Distinction, and:
- The game has 3 or more playable scenes / levels.
- The game demonstrates you can independently learn multiple advanced concepts, not covered in class, making it clear that you are already ready to enter a professional career as you are able to research and learn new concepts independently.
- The app is voted by myself as indistinguishable to a high-quality real world app. E.g. no one can tell it is a student app.
Images: Free to Use for Commercial Purposes / Public Domain
When thinking about your Project, there is some very important information that I need you to know. You cannot ever use any image from the web or another source, unless you have legal permission to use it. That means either having someone develop the artwork for you (more for real-world projects, not this one), or you find images that have a "license for commercial use" or in the "public domain". If you can't find such a license that specifically references the file you use, then you cannot use it at all. Doing so is illegal in the real world, and results in an immediate fail of this project.
Ways to create the video
As well as your project source code, you must create a video to show us how to use your mobile web app. This is to ensure we do not miss anything important, as in playing your game we may not get to all levels and see everything you want us to see. So it is important that YOU show us EVERYTHING we need for the grade you want to achieve.
Your video must include:
- Your Student Name + introtoapps login name + SID (as text on the screen, so we can read it)
- A quick view of your licenses.txt file contents [5 seconds].
- Every feature of your app that you want to be marked for (so we know where to find it) [~60-120 seconds]. E.g. "I am aiming for a credit, so here are the features firstly for passing... and here are the features for credit..." This then helps us determine if you have truly achieved that grade level, and makes sure we don't miss anything.
- The hardest challenges for you, and how you overcame them [in any remaining time]. This is important because we want to know that YOU learned something from this experience beyond just program code. We want to know what you learned from the whole experience.
Also Read Web Application Development Assignment.
You can create the video in any application you like. The method used does not matter at all. You are only judged on your content. Note that the file must be an MP4 file. You can create the video in any format and use free software Handbrake to convert to MP4. Possible methods to create the video:
- Physically using your mobile phone camera pointed at your PC screen, record your app in use.
- Using any screen capturing software you are familiar with (more advanced, but not required)
Aim for around 720 x 406 Universal pixel size (not larger), and around 20mb in size (less is better, otherwise uploading will take forever). For changing compression and video size, I use the software HandBrake
- Make sure your hand doesn't touch the bottom of the phone where the microphone is, otherwise the sound will be muffled. The alternative is to plug in hands-free headphones (the ones with a microphone), and put them on, so you're speaking out and the microphone at your chest is picking everything up.
- Test your video by playing it back immediately, and listening to the sound quality all the way through. If it isn't perfect, record it again. Record as many times as you need to make it perfect. If we cannot hear something, we don't know about it and we may miss it. It is your responsibility to speak clearly, articulate your speech as best as you can, and show on screen what we should be looking for. Just like in the real world, it is your job to engage the audience to play your game. Engage us to find the features in your game.
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