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Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Website Designing Assignment Case Study

Assignment Guidelines – Online Quizzes and E-portfolio

Learning Outcomes supported by this assignment:
  • Understand the principles and ethics associated with good design.
  • Be aware of the different methodologies which underpin the design process.
  • Apply the principles surrounding ‘usability’ and user-centered design to specific situations.
  • Be able to create, design and manipulate high quality raster and vector based images and publish in the appropriate medium using industry standard software.
  • Demonstrate the effective use of graphical images in relation to their various formats and their
Assignment 1:  Online Quizzes
There will be a series of five short quizzes located on the Moodle home page that take place fortnightly from week 3. Each quiz will assess knowledge based on lectures for those two weeks. The quiz will be available at the end of the lecture and a student will have 2 weeks to complete each quiz. Each quiz carries a 2% weighting to receive a maximum of 10 marks in total for the completion of all five quizzes. Marks for each quiz will be calculated and rounded up based on individual quiz scores.

Assignment 2: E-Portfolio
See moodle or the course booklet for submission date for this coursework.

1.         A web site to meet the attached design brief (see page 2)
2.         A 1000-word report submitted via Turning on the module’s Moodle site

Do NOT hand assignments to tutors, or put in staff mailboxes, or submit by email or fax as these cannot be accepted.

The main e-Portfolio should be view able on an external site with a link provided in the uploaded report. Failure to provide a working link to the site will result in a fail for this section as the website is a key element of this assessment.

E-Portfolio Design Brief
Designing a website consists of meeting web design principles explained to you during lectures. Content is also very key to a good site. Using an external web editor such as WordPress, Wix or Wesley, you are required to design and develop an e-portfolio about yourself to be used as a vehicle for you to gain further employment*. Therefore the main target audience is a) your tutors who are marking the work and b) a future employer. To ensure a good mark, you will need to demonstrate you have correctly understood key concepts discussed in lectures relating to design and methodology.

Your E-Portfolio should include the following:

  1. An appropriate picture of yourself;
  2. Basic information such as name, address, email;
  3. Details of your relevant skills and educational achievements with links to work to show evidence of good design principles (such as use of links/images/thumbnails to preview graphics work, etc).
  1. Two components listed below:
    1. An original graphic designed in Photoshop converted to a suitable file type and optimized appropriately;
    2. A logo designed in Adobe Illustrator converted to a suitable file type and optimized appropriately;
  1. Link to your CV as a PDF document or a web page.
  1. It can also include links to other published works or business projects you have worked on.
Design of web application assignment  with meaningful headings, content in the form of well-written paragraphs of text with good proximity and sensible images to add to content. All content must be proofread and spelled-checked.

*if you wish to use your site for another purpose (such as a business start-up) please discuss this option with your tutor.

Design Brief for each Component to be included in your E-Portfolio

Photoshop Component
Choose one of the two options:

1.       Create an image advertising a new electric/hybrid car on the market that boasts high green credentials. Target audience is young professionals. The image will appear on buses and billboards on the underground. It can be any car you want but keep to the brief.
2.       Create a composition that represents some other piece of coursework you have been doing on another marketing module to support a particular campaign/product.

Illustrator Component
Design a logo to put on your own E-Portfolio as a representation of who you are or a company you are developing.

THE REPORT – 1000 words
A 1000 word report that includes a discussion on the topics below.  It should not be a diary account of events, but should demonstrate that you approached the project using a standard website methodology and utilized the software tools effectively.

Link to Site: A working link to the site address (this is essential)

Introduction:  Explanation of the inspiration behind the creation of the e-portfolio, say which degree course you are doing and which career path you hope to go into.  You should identify who the target audience will be.

Methodological approach: Explain the process that went into creation of the e-portfolio.  Refer to any initial drawings, other web sites, apps etc, tutorials, reading material and earlier versions that aided you in the approach (which should be in appendices).

Critical Analysis: Explain the extent to which the work achieved what you wanted it to achieve.  Identify areas that did not go as planned and whether the work has achieved its goal.

Conclusion:  Identify what you have accomplished and learned from doing this task.

Bibliography: Use of reference citations to support design choices (Harvard system).

Word Count: The word count should be written at the end of the document.

Marking Criteria

The e-Portfolio will be judged on:

Quality of Work – Overall professional look of the e-portfolio design based on taught design principles.                        

Originality of the 2 components in the design brief – Have the pieces ‘been done before?’ Does it show a high level of thought and work to finally evolve or is it just a ‘copy’ of ideas?  All creativity is inspired by something or someone – by originality we mean measuring the process by which the idea evolved into something perceived as unique so evidence in your report will support this.

Correct use of Applications and File types – There are many tools available in the Adobe Creative Suite (eg Photoshop, Illustrator etc) It is impossible to teach all the tools or all the elements of each tool taught in all the one-hour workshops, and it is expected that high marks will be awarded to work that demonstrates the creator has undergone independent study to effectively master the applications.

Design, Content and Functionality - the e-portfolio adheres to good web standards, accessibility, file management and code quality

Quality of Report – This will be evidenced by relevant, informative report content that accurately explains the process you went through and what you achieved.  The report should be well-written and refer to other referenced material that has inspired you. Poor grammar, spelling or punctuation could result in loss of marks.

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